Sunday, February 24, 2013

157 Quiz Answer

The answer this week is “Casablanca.”  You must remember this: starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, it was one of the all-time favorite motion pictures.

(Also for ABC Wednesday: "G" is for "Grandad")
Here's this week's Berownial quiz. I wrote the following little scenelet, basing it on a very popular motion picture. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is: name the movie.

Because it’s Academy Awards day, I should mention that the film was an Oscar winner for best picture.


“So what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Well, you know, some of the other kids talk about what their grandads did during the war.  So I got to thinking about you.  What did you do during the war, Grandad?”

“Ha, that’s a good one.  Talk about great war heroes, I wasn’t one of ‘em.  I ran a café, over in Morocco.”

“You ran a café?  I was sort of hoping you’d have an interesting war story to tell.”

“Well, I do.  At least I think it’s interesting.  Let me tell you about the time I got stood up by the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.”

“Doesn’t sound much like a war story.”

“Well, it was.  At least, the war was on when it happened.  I was a young guy in Paris when the Germans marched in.  I was in love with this beautiful blonde girl and we were going to leave together to get away from occupied France. “

“And you got stood up?”

“That’s it.  I waited at the train station for an hour or so.  She never showed.  That was awful.  She was my one true love and I guessed she had just casually run off with some other guy.  I really hated her after that.”

“Certainly a strange war story…”

“Anyway, I wound up a year or so later running this cafe in Morocco.  A great job; I was monarch of all I surveyed.  And – guess what?  She walks in, big as life!  Of all the gin joints in all the world, she walks into mine.  She said she had seen the sign ‘Rick’s Cafe Americain’ and wanted to see what it was like.”

“Must have been a bit embarrassing.”

“Not really, because she explained what had happened back in Paris.  You see, she had been married but got news that her husband had died in a concentration camp so she had felt it was okay for us to be together. “

“So you were a couple again?”

“Nope.  She suddenly learned that her husband hadn’t died, which was why she hadn’t been able to meet me at the train station.  So she was very much married, and she stayed married.”

“A love story with a not-so-happy ending.”

“Well, she and her husband went on to devote themselves actively to the anti-Nazi cause, so I feel now that maybe things turned out the right way after all.”

(Also submitted to Sunday Scribblings.)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

156 Quiz Answer

The answer this week is “Tootsie.”  This movie, though a riotous comedy, had a deeper meaning.  A farce with strong social comment, it was also an attack on sexism; in a way it has become sort of an unofficial landmark of the feminist movement.  The U S Library of Congress deemed the motion picture "culturally significant" and selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.

It was quite a film; it had ten Academy Award nominations and it was the second highest grossing movie after “ET, the Extra-Terrestrial.”

My thanks to all who participated.

(Also for Three-Word Wednesday and ABC Wednesday: "F" is for "Frank")
Here's this week's Berownial quiz.  I wrote the following little scenelet, basing it on a popular motion picture.  Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is: name the movie.

"I thought if we could sit down and talk, we could work this out together."
"Work what out?  Your actor was fired, canned, tossed off the set.  There's nothing to ponder over.  I can see you're upset; your fifteen percent as his agent was just heaved out the window with him."
"I just want to be sure that you are entirely aware of Frank's caliber.  He is one of the finest actors of this generation."
"Yeah, on the stage.  He is a theatre actor.  He won a Tony Award and all that."
"Actually, he won two Tonys."
"That's the ticket.  No question he's a good stage actor, yada yada, but what I do here is, I make TV commercials.  Frank was hired to appear in a commercial for Suncrest Salad Dressing.  In fact, he was going to star in it."
"That's why this is so important.  They plan to run that commercial for a year.  The salary and residuals would amount to a considerable sum."
"Which would mean a considerable sum for his agent."
"Well, we should leave me out of this.  In any event, we are willing to negotiate a percentage of the total sum in order to bring this to a valid close."
"You don't listen good, do you?  It has been brought to a close and your boy has been fired.  He doesn't get any pay, zero - fifteen percent of which belongs to you."
"We would hate to have to take this to the union."
"Take it to the union.  Take it to the United Nations!  If the guy won't do what the director tells him to do, he's out.  Period."
"But what if the director is wrong?  It happens that a top actor like Frank knows better than any TV-commercial director what's right and what's not."
"That's crazy.  He wasn't hired for his expertise as a theatrical genius.  He was hired to play a tomato in a salad-dressing commercial!"
"And he can play a tomato better than any other actor in the country!"
"But he's no use to us if he won't take direction.  The director told him to sit down and he refused.  You know what he said?  'A tomato doesn't sit down!'"
"Well, you've got to admit he was right.  A seated tomato is a contradiction in terms."
"Another contradiction in terms is an actor who refuses to take direction and nevertheless expects to be paid!"

(Also submitted to Sunday Scribblings)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

155 Quiz Answer

Here’s the answer. In Homer’s epic poem, “The Odyssey,” Odysseus finally makes it home to his wife Penelope, after a long and adventure-filled voyage. Almost no one recognizes him at home, except for his old dog Argos.
A fine, upstanding group of bloggers came up with the right answer: Magical Mystical Teacher, Little Nell, Hildred, Lyn, Ann Grenier, Sharp Little Pencil, Karen S, ninotaziz, Kathe W, Altonian and Zafaran. My thanks to all who participated.

(Also for Three-Word Wednesday and ABC Wednesday: "E" is for "Epic")

Above: Odie and Penny. :-)

This week’s quiz has to do with an epic tale that has been popular for centuries.
I wrote the following, basing it loosely on this work. Your assignment, assuming you accept it, is: tell us which epic.

You remember Odie Harper? Salesman extraordinaire?
He made quite a living traveling all over the midwest, hustling the products his company produced. He was finally promoted to Sales Director, a job that paid very well.
Trouble was, it meant he was out on the road for months at a time.
Well, Odie used a lot of that extra coin to fix himself up – new suits, new car, new moustache (actually one of those Van Dyke jobs), not to mention that he also began wearing a very expensive toupee – so that when he got back no one in his home town had the slightest idea who he was.
He thought, this may be a bit cumbersome but it's great. If Penny doesn’t recognize me I’ll be able to check if she’s been a good wife or if she’s been playing around while I was gone.
He let himself in his house with his key and was pretty shook up to see that there were three guys sitting in the living-room, waiting to see Penny. She was away in another room.
The thing about Penny was, she was a very handsome woman. In addition, since word had gotten around that maybe Odie was dead – which would mean that she would come into a pile of dough – she had become an object of interest to all the unattached males of the community. Including some not so “un.”
Though they all had known Odie, none of the three dudes who were sprawled about on his sofa and armchair recognized him when he entered the house. That new rug he was wearing had changed him completely.
But you see, those poor guys didn’t know Penny as well as they thought they did. Let me illuminate. She was Old School; her old man, Odie, may have gone off and been away for months, but she was true to him.
They had morbidly figured she must be lonely, so lonely that she might be interested in a little hanky-panky. Or at least in a little hanky, if not sny actual panky.
Once they realized that the guy with the spiffy hairdo was really Odie, and that he might go on a rampage because they were there, they decided to split - and in a rather hurried manner.
So the end of the story was that Odie was home at long last and was delighted to learn that Penny was a fine wife. (Actually, if you want my opinion, she was far too good for him.)
Earlier I said no one recognized Odie when he got back. Not quite true. Old Shep, who must have been about a hundred and twenty – in dog years – tottered over to him, wagging his tail in greeting. No one else had recognized Odie, but Shep knew him right away.
(Also submitted to Sunday Scribblings.)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

154 Quiz Answer

The correct answer is “Groundhog Day,” a film that starred Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. On an assignment covering the annual Groundhog Day event, a man finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day again and again.

Bloggers who provided us with the right answer include Kathe W, naturgesetz, Lady in Read, Karen S, Zafaran, Lyn, jaerose, Altonian, uberrhund and Stan Ski.

(Also submitted to Three-Word Wednesday and ABC Wednesday: "D" is for "Day")
We had a nice response with last week’s quiz. Let’s see how we do with this week’s.
I wrote the following little scenelet, basing it on a popular motion picture. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is – tell us which motion picture.

[Frank, a feature writer for Bright Magazine, is on an assignment and is holed up in a small town in upstate Connecticut.]
Frank: Bit of a shock, seeing you here, Carol. Is there some kind of emergency?
Carol: I guess you could say that. You don’t answer the home office phone calls and when you do, what you say doesn’t make all that much sense. They think this whole project has backfired so they sent me to find out what’s what.
Frank: Well, I’m sorry you were put to so much trouble. I told them, things are fine; stop worrying and let me do my job.
Carol: How can you say things are fine? What have you written? They’ve received nothing; no first draft, nothing. It's as though you feel you have immunity and you don't have to produce anything. It costs money to keep you up here and they’re getting nothing for it.
Frank: Don’t worry, they’ll be getting plenty. Carol, I’m on to something big. It was difficult to explain over the phone, especially since the bigwigs in our home office are, I'm embarrassed to say – well, I’d call them simple-minded but that’s too complimentary.
Carol: That's in rather poor taste. I’m not sure it’s the right attitude to take toward your superiors.
Frank: Forget about our superiors, Carol. This thing is bigger than them, bigger than our magazine. They want a story? What I’m going to be sending them will be bigger than the biggest story they’ve ever published!
Carol: I’m a bit concerned, Frank. You sound like you’re on something.
Frank: I’m on to something! At first you won’t believe it; I sure didn’t believe it myself at first.
Carol: It’s some kind of miracle? Not that I believe in miracles.
Frank: Call it what you will. It’s a power, a channel, a – a force!
Carol: Okay, Luke Skywalker, may it be with you. Now calm down and tell me exactly what it is you’re talking about.
Frank: I’m talking about something that’s been happening during these last two weeks that I’ve been in this New England town. I remember it well. You don’t remember it at all, do you?
Carol: How could I remember it? I just got here.
Frank: Of course, of course! You just got here! Fresh off the Greyhound bus! So how could you remember a talk the two of us had here yesterday?
Carol: What is that supposed to mean?
Frank: Carol, this crummy little town is the home of something very special! A time loop.
Carol (laughs): Is that anything like a Fruit Loop?
Frank: It’s not really funny, Carol. You see, it’s amazing but true that for some reason, and by some strange power, an individual day here may be repeated again and again.

So go ahead; give it a try. The above suggests which motion picture?
(Submitted also to Sunday Scribblings.)
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