(Also for Three Word Wednesday and ABC Wednesday: "P" is for "Pell")
The following scenelet should remind you of a well-known literary work. Give us its name.
“I really appreciate your seeing me on such short notice. May I sit down?”
“What? Oh,
sure. Uh - I don’t understand what this
is about.”
“Well, it’s simple.
I represent your friend and neighbor, Mr Pell.”
“Pell sent you?
Why didn’t he come himself?”
“Well, I do work for him in his business, so he
thought I could handle this personal situation.”
“What kind of work do you do for him?”
“I’m his attorney.”
“He sent a lawyer?
My next-door neighbor has sent a lawyer?
Again, what is this about?”
“Please relax, it’s nothing serious. It’s about that land you both have out
back. It needs to be fenced in so
there’s a clear line of demarcation between your property and his.”
“But who says that?
It’s fine as is.”
“Not really. Now
people can just stumble from one place to another, nothing to stop them. Things on your side can easily drift over to
his property.”
“I have a couple of glorious apple trees out back. Far as I know, no apples have ever wandered
over to Pell’s area. And if they did, so
what? They’re fine apples.”
“Believe me, situations like this often cause
problems, legal problems. I’ve handled a
number of such cases. People can live
side by side in peaceful propinquity for quite a while, but…”
“Did you say ‘propinquity’? This is quite an occasion. I’ve never met anyone who used the word ‘propinquity’
“Well, to get to the point. Please be assured that Mr. Pell likes you and
wants very much to continue to be your friend and neighbor. He would just like to avoid a situation that
often leads to bitter problems and clearly marking off the two properties in this
manner is the way to do it.”
“But I would have to go to the expense and trouble
of …”
“Mr Pell would share the initial expense. After that you would of course do the
necessary maintenance on your side, repairing as necessary.”
“So I would have to constantly fix this thing, even
though I see no use or need for it.”
“You’ll soon see the need. Once it’s installed you’ll see how pleasant
life can be when you have a good relationship with those who live near you.”
answer will be posted Saturday.)