Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Willow's Magpie Contest

(To the tune of Stephen Foster’s “Beautiful Dreamer”)

Beautiful creamer, pour in my cup.
I need lots of coffee to really wake up.
Sounds of the rude world are heard in the street;
There’s ache in my head and pain in my feet.
So pour, old friend creamer, queen of my song,
But not all that much cream; I like it strong!
This morning you’re used, as you should be, for cream,
But later today – well, I have a dream.
After you’re empty I’ll fill you with beer.
Bright future for you: a whole new career!


savannah said...

too funny, sugar1 well done, well done! xoxox

Lyn said...

It's good to be able to multi-task! Funny is good...Thanks for having stopped by.

Berowne said...

Lyn: "It's good to be able to multi-task! Funny is good."

Thanks for the comment, Lyn.

Berowne said...

savannah: "Too funny, sugar1 well done, well done! xoxox"

You've made my day, savannah -- thanks.

French Fancy... said...

It's always good when one knows the melody - and I did. It scanned very well.

Berowne said...

FF: "It scanned very well."

Thanks, it pays to take the time
To think of meter, as well as rhyme. :-)

RNSANE said...

I liked the original song but your use of it really gave me a smile this morning - and I haven't even had my coffee yet! Great job!

Berowne said...

RNSANE: "Great job!"

Great comment! Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Your rhythmic flow here is fantastic! Very creative! Love it! :) The Bach

Tess Kincaid said...

This is so cute! I sang it out loud. Twice. Did you hear me?

(btw, I just now corrected your disabled url in the Mr. Linky list...you had an extra "." at the end. Now people can click to you!)

Vicki Lane said...

Oh, tee hee! Love it!

Berowne said...

willow: "This is so cute! I sang it out loud. Twice. Did you hear me?"

I wondered whose beautiful voice that was...

BTW, thanks for the technical fix. It's amazing how little I understand of the technical side.:-)

Berowne said...

Bachelor -- Thanks for a great comment.

My cup is now officially runnething over. :-)

spacedlaw said...

Very funny! I wonder if the pot might like it?

Anonymous said...

HA! Love it, I do, but I leave out the cream, heh, heh...and the stronger the better :)

Great take o nthe prompt here, sir!

Enchanted Oak said...

Beautiful Creamer: What a flash of brilliance!

Kevin Musgrove said...

Splendid stuff!

Jennifer said...

Ha! I love it. I sang it too. (But my voice is not beautiful, so I hope you didn't hear.)

A Brush with Color said...

Haaa--good one!

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

Oh, yeah! From creamer to beer stein... I like it! Clever use of the Beautiful Dreamer tune!

Berowne said...

spacedlaw: "Very funny! I wonder if the pot might like it?"

It might, if it would just stop making racist remarks about the kettle. :-)

Berowne said...

Subby: "Great take on the prompt here, sir!"

Well, I did it as promptly as I could. :-)

Pauline said...

Well, heck - I've been going around singing beautiful creamer all morning long. Thanks for the chuckle.

Evening Light Writer said...

You are absolutely clever..I hope you know that. And now, I'll continue my day with that song stuck in my head.

Berowne said...

Vicki Lane, Enchanted Oak, Kevin, Color Brush, Jennifer, CatLady -- What great comments. I almost have the feeling that I have hit, as they say in France, le pot de Jacques. :-)


Pete Goulding said...

Beautiful creamer! Groan-inducingly brilliant.
You've ruined that song perfectly!

Ronda Laveen said...

I'll be singing this song all day! Very fun and funny. That pitcher has a longe and busy career ahead of it. Well, gotta go...time for a beer break.

Brian Miller said...

lol. i did enjoy that...think i will start with the coffee and we can go from there...

Tess Kincaid said...

Just popped back in to make sure your link was fixed. Looks like you've had lots of nice visitors today. :)

Unknown said...

I hummed along as I read; thanks for the smile...very clever; from cream to beer! That's a new one!

steven said...

hey berowne - that's funny absolutely hilarious and clever!!! thanks for visiting and i'm glad i visited you. steven

Joan Tucker said...

Thanks for this!

Berowne said...

willow: "Looks like you've had lots of nice visitors today." :)

Your idea for this contest was a stroke of genius, willow -- thanks!

Berowne said...

P G: "You've ruined that song perfectly!"

Thanx; it's not the only thing I've ruined. :-)

Berowne said...

Ronda Laveen: "I'll be singing this song all day! Very fun and funny."

You've helped me, Ronda -- thanks!

Berowne said...

My thanks to Jen, Brian, Pauline, Evening Light, Pat and Steven for taking the time to check out my little effort. Your comments meant a lot.

ds said...

Careful--the sugar pot might get jealous, though it's probably hanging around the oranges in the sunny chair of a Sunday Morning. (*head smack* I know that one!!)
Fun parody, my coffee is forever doomed...

Berowne said...

ds: "Careful--the sugar pot might get jealous, though it's probably hanging around the oranges in the sunny chair of a Sunday Morning."

Now don't go getting complacent, in that peignoir. :-)

PattyF said...

**applauds wildly** Ingenious!

tori said...

here from Magpie...
thanks for the chuckle. looking forward to my morning coffee now.

tattytiara said...

Truth. The world is only civil after coffee.

Elizabeth said...

That is simply GREAT. I'd drink a beer from that cup!

Berowne said...

Thanks to Patty F, Tori, tatty and Elizabeth for some more great comments.

I don't feel dull, I don't feel hollow, if I find myself in your "Blogs I Follow." :-)

Jan of Thousand Acres said...

What fun, a grand idea, just love the tune! Thanks for sharing.

Berowne said...

SUN DANCE HILL: "Thanks for sharing."

And I thank YOU for sharing. Regards.

Cass @ That Old House said...

Well there's nothing I like more than funny, and this is it. Great! Of course, now I've got Beautiful Dreamer stuck in my head . . . .

Berowne said...

Cass @ That Old House: Thanks, Cass.

By the way, Cass, I've always loved your work, along with the others: Denny, Michelle and John Phillips. But you were the best!

(Jes' kiddin')

Jerry said...

How original. How enjoyable.

Berowne said...

As enjoyable as your comment. Thanks, Jerry.

joanna said...

Magpie Tales:

Love it... I never could remember the words to Beautiful Dreamer -- but somehow I like yours much better anyway...I will never look at my creamer the same way anymore.

Kudos to you,

the dowsers daughter

Hausfrau said...

Very clever! Beer: why not?

Berowne said...

The Hausfrau -- Vielen dank, gnaedige Hausfrau!

Berowne said...

Joanny: "...somehow I like yours much better anyway."

A true music-lover! Thanks.

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