How do you think it makes me feel? To have to drive around in a ten-year-old vehicle without a sun (or, as far as that goes, moon) roof, with doors that have to be opened with a key, and without a system that would show me my global position?
It’s humiliating, that’s what it is.
I don’t have any strange woman with a soothing, cultivated voice emanating from my dashboard telling me how to drive. I don’t have digital maps to study (while I drive) that indicate where my favorite restaurant is to be found; I don’t have basics like a huge, ear-shattering surround-sound speaker system. (My car doesn’t even have a heated steering wheel.) The list of things my present vehicle doesn’t have goes on and on.

All I have is a 10-year-old vehicle like the above that is good to look at (the design of the ’99 model was classic and holds up nicely today), works well, never causes headaches or problems, and gets top highway mpgs.
And I'm fairly convinced that it could last another 10 years.
Surely a highly successful business entrepreneur like me (ha!) should instead have a very expensive, spiffy, luxury car with all the panoply of gadgets, gizmos and other often useless accessories that so many of the newer models have. Without such items, how will I impress people as I drive around?
As I say, it’s humiliating. But I guess I'll put up with the humiliation for a few more years. :-)
Pour votre commentaire, merci.
Dear Pamela Terry: Any relative of Ellen's is a friend of mine.
Your car looks new to me. My car is 11 years old. I would love love love a new car! Maybe Santa is finally bringing me one.
Come to think of it, probably not. Since he never came through with that pony. Dumb Santa!
>>Maybe Santa is finally bringing me one.
Come to think of it, probably not. Since he never came through with that pony.<<
You're lucky. He brought me a pony -- though not when I was a child (I was in my late forties). What a drag. It cost a fortune to feed the beast and it turned out to be difficult to keep it in my condo. (The neighbors all complained about the smell.) No, all things considered, a car worked out better.
So.... I'm at work and the cleaning person drives the same car as I do. I'm okay with that... really. I don't care that she always goes to my trunk with the garbage bags. BUT... one day she yelled something to me as I was getting in my car. She said "I just want you to know, I don't really drive that car, I have a Pathfinder."
Suzyhayze - Good story. Thanx for visiting my blog.
By the way, in the "About Me" portion, the personal portion, of your blog, you were asked a question, a vital, extremely important question: How does a mermaid go to the bathroom? I note that you did not provide an answer. May I suggest the following?
Mermaids go to heads with tails.
No? Oh well, it was just a suggestion. :-)
Can you tell us what car you drive? I can't tell from the picture. As long as it has A/C and heat... those are my requirements in wheels.
It's a 10-year-old Camry.
>> As long as it has A/C and heat... those are my requirements in wheels. <<
I agree. And mebbe brakes? :-)
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